Life is taking over

Apologies for being so quiet these last few weeks, life has kinda taken the reigns at the moment. I have barely touched my camera in the last two or three weeks, for sheer lack of time and energy.
One thing I did: I showed my camera a little bit of TLC and gave it a good clean last night. Now, the autofocus is working perfectly again, no more hesitation, and those pesky dustbunnies have been ousted from my sensor.
I also spent too much money today. Ouch. But it’ll be money well spent, I’m sure. The arrival of the wide-angle lens will also mean upgrading the filters, so that’s what I did. (Not to mention the fact that my lovely 10 stop ND filter is a screw-in filter and will not fit on the 77 mm monster that is the wide-angle lens! Oops. Should have thought about that one a bit earlier, yes?) After much pondering and drooling over my friend D.’s filters, I took the plunge and went and ordered some for myself today.
D. is a perfectionist, and has taken some of the most amazing photographs of the Cliffs of Moher that I’ve EVER seen, and his stance is: quality – Quality – QUALITY gear. And you know what? He’s right. Seeing the difference between a Sigma and a Nikon lens, the Nikon is noticeably sharper. My other half, patient by-stander to my photographic adventures, has noticed that at a glance, and he’s no photography nerd. Seeing that I currently shoot with a Cokin ND grad filter, I’m sure the upgrade to Lee will also be noticeable.
So now, it’s one thing more to wait for. :)

~ by Simone on September 7, 2010.

4 Responses to “Life is taking over”

  1. It happens to us all sometimes when life takes over… I know that only too well also… Sure can’t wait to see what you do when the new gear arrives though…

  2. People will say gear does not make the photographer better but, I believe, it will when you know it is time to upgrade both skills and equipment to meet your view.

    • I do think so – I mean, an expensive lens and crappy Cokin filters that make the sky go purple? Hmm. Not so good. Time for new stuff! Buy cheap, buy twice. Grrh, but true.

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